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Former Boston mobster on Hollywood's portrayal of gangsters and his close call with Whitey Bulger

WHEN Mark Silverman arrived for a pre­arranged drug deal in south Boston dread filled his every pore as he was led into a room lined with plastic sheeting.

In the world of the mob this meant only one thing. He was going to be disposed of.

After a beating at the hands of two underlings, Mark looked up and found himself staring into the eyes of "the Irish devil himself", James "Whitey" Bulger.

Bulger, who was finally caught in June 2011 after years evading arrest spent at the top of the FBI's most wanted list, has been back in the headlines more recently after Johnny Depp played the mob boss in Hollywood film Black Mass.

Despite mixed reviews, Mark insists Depp got his portrayal of the vicious mobster bang on the money.

Mark said: "The film riled up some old memories. I thought Johnny was fabulous in his depiction of Whitey Bulger. He certainly studied him. A lot of what he did resembled Whitey Bulger from his movements to his eyes. I was extremely impressed with Johnny. And Joel Edgerton who played FBI agent John Connolly.

"About 70 per cent of mob films in Hollywood don't even come close to what it's like. This one hit the target."

Mark himself was introduced to the gangland world by his estranged father.

He said: "When I was 19 I had given up on college and dedicated myself to having an education on the street. I hadn't seen my dad since I was five years old. It just so happened he was living on Winter Hill and was married to Howie Winter, who was Whitey Bulger's boss. Howie was the boss of the Winter Hill gang. Whitey and Stevie Fleming were his soldiers and when I discovered my father lived there I started hanging out.

"Most of the members lived on that street or met on a garage on that street called Marshall Street Motors.

"It was a neighbourhood where you couldn't help but be introduced into that world. I became very friendly of a couple of the Winter Hill gang's elder statesmen. I began driving and collecting gambling and shylock money. It was strictly Irish. Strictly Winter Hill. Naturally I was introduced to Whitey and Southie ­ the south Boston faction."

His introduction to being part of the mob, however, was hampered by his surname.

Mark said: "Boston organised crime is composed of two factions ­ Irish and Italian. Having a Jewish last name was really difficult. I had heard all the jokes about my background and that made me extra determined to be good at what I did. Automatically I was an underdog due to my last name."

Once he had been welcomed into the Winter Hill fact he discovered just how deadly his life would be and it all stemmed from a split on the side of mafia's Patriarca family.

Mark said: "The Patriarca family had split into two factions. The Winter Hill gang had been working with them but weren't working for them. Due to the division, we had to choose our sides and I was called to meeting under the guise of making peace. I reluctantly went along and nearly lost my life.

"One of those people was my oldest friend, Bobby. When I got in the back seat of the car there were no door handles to let me out and I though, 'Oh God!'. My heart sunk."

A scuffle ensued inside the car and Mark managed to scramble across the unknown passenger in the car and out into the street where he literally fled for his life.

He added: "In the mob they have modified vehicles made for that purpose and I knew what was coming. I had a feeling something was coming beforehand but I was so close to Bobby that I didn't think I needed to a gun with me. I thought he was going to straighten things out and make peace but it turned out to be a set­up. I was lucky to get away with that."

His experiences didn't end with just his own life in danger, though.

Mark said: "My life was crazy. During my entire time there was a war on the streets with the mafia. I had to be careful who I was seen with. I had to be careful who I even said hello to.

"I can remember one night we were at a restaurant and I was with the boss of one of the factions who were at war. A gentleman happened to come over and joined us at the table. I didn't think much of it but the next day his body was found in the trunk of a Cadillac.

"Seeing him at 2am and then reading he had been murdered just because he was seen with us. I really think he had been working for the other side and his cover had been blown. We were always looking over our shoulders."

Being from the Somerville part of Boston, Mark was aware of the warnings over carrying out jobs and deals in south Boston, or Southie as it was known locally.

But those warnings went unheeded, and this decision almost cost him his life at the age of 23.

Mark said: "I was dealing marijuana, doing business with a couple of guys from south Boston. I didn't know who they worked for, nor did I care. When I first started doing business I was doing about $15,000 at a time. The first couple of meetings I did myself, including the drop offs. Finally I introduced a runner to do the work so I wouldn't be on the police radar.

"Back then we had beepers and this guy called Tommy paged me to meet him at Castle Island in Southie. That's the one place people in the know are aware of that the FBI can't wire because of the planes coming in and out of Logan airport. There's no way they can get a clear read on things. It's the safest place to talk.

"When I got there Tommy warned me my runner wasn't who he said he was. He had information from inside the Boston Police Department. I didn't believe him but he told me if I wanted to continue to do business they wanted to see me. Not him.

"I reluctantly agreed and Tommy later called and doubled the order. That should've been a red flag. Why did he suddenly wanted to go higher? I got whatever I could get my hands on, although I didn't like this deal. I loaded my trunk with a bag full of $22,000 worth of marijuana and I put a gun in alongside it.

"I begged for the deal to be done in Somerville, Winter Hill, rather than Southie but they did everything they could to convince me to come to south Boston, so I headed over with my uncle Jimmy."

He added: "There's only one way into south Boston and that's the Broadway Bridge. During the journey I noticed a police tail but they weren't trying to bust us, they were making sure we got to this meeting.

"The meeting was set at an outdoor cafe in the middle of south Boston which made me feel a little better. Tommy's boss, who I'd never met, invited us in and we sat down. A couple of minutes passed and he motioned me outside to do the deal. As I popped the trunk all of a sudden he hit me on the side of the head with his gun. It startled me and he grabbed the bag and my gun. He told me to shut up, put the gun to my head and said, 'Get back in the cafe, there's someone who wants to talk to you'.

"He led me to the back of the cafe and down the stairs into the cellar. I could hear voices in a room a nearby but I was pushed into a room that was completely lined in plastic. A couple of guys gave me a bit of a beating then I felt someone grabbing my hair and pulled my head up. There I was staring into the eyes of the Irish devil himself, Whitey Bulger.

"My first thought was, 'I'm dead'. He was putting on a dramatic show to intimidate me. He had a knife and was walking back and forth, jamming the blade into the wall. Finally he walked over to me and asked Tommy for his gun. He put the gun to my mouth and asked, 'Do you know where you are?'. I said, 'Yeah, we're in Southie', and he said, 'That's right. Nobody s***s where I eat, you got that?'. He then asked if I knew who he was. Now I'm 23 years old. I don't know what he wants me to say but I had always heard that if you called him Whitey he would cut your b***s off.

"I said, 'You're Jim Bulger', and he said, 'That's right'. He cracked me with the gun and told me to get myself together then said, 'If you ever show your face in Southie again you're a dead man'.

"I walked upstairs and got to my car but I couldn't see my partner Jimmy. I wasn't going to leave him in the lion's den though. I then saw him making his way to the front of the restaurant so I gunned the engine and knocked over the tables and chairs, just missing the guy who had hit me with his gun."

Having distanced himself from that world nowadays, Mark admits it's not easy to make a clean break from the gangland.

He said: "It's incredibly difficult to separate yourself from that world because we have a lot of corruption within our police departments whether they be local, state or federal. In fact the film Black Mass covers this.

"You're not so much up against the gangsters, you're up against the police as well. Whitey wasn't the only one who had those ties inside certain law enforcement agencies. I hadn't met any guys of his stature who didn't have an inside edge.

"You have to understand something, John Connoly, the dirty FBI agent portrayed in Black Mass, had eight of the nine informants used to take down the Italian mafia. When you're dealing with eight people who have certain paths into mafia crews or mafia people, it's up to you how you use those people. He was just using them in as collateral damage to keep Whitey safe.

"The feds will watch you growing up from the age of 12 if you're in a family connected to the mob. They'll watch what you become. This was what it was like for me because my stepfather was Howie Winter."

Now Mark is in the process of penning one book about his experiences in the Boston mob scene - Marked Card and Rogue Mobster are already available.

He said: "One book is called Rogue Mobster and there's another, Boston Mafia, that fill in the blanks. I'll go into more detail, almost where Black Mass went. But it didn't stop with Whitey or the FBI."

Black Mass is out on DVD and Blu­ray on March 21.

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